The Excellent Thesis Conclusion

The thesis introduction is a must in the introductory paragraph of your paper. While this is a general introduction that covers the whole essence of your paper; you must finish what you have started in the thesis introduction in your thesis conclusion. When you can begin brilliantly; your closing lines should be excellent.

After pouring out all that you have gathered in your thesis statement in the body of your essay; there is the need for a call to action. This will form the essence of your thesis conclusion. The sole objective here is to ensure that you give reasons why the readers should take action on your points of argument.

So can you brilliantly put across your message to your readers in this very important part of your message? The following tips will be of valuable help:

Restate the thesis statement

You are not necessarily going to carry out a repeat of the thesis statement in your introduction. Rather, you have to bring in a reminder of the statement here because it is the essence of your work. It will be stated differently from the way you put it in the beginning.

It will serve as a brilliant reminder to your prospects that you have done your part of the bargain by leading them through a guided journey from the introduction all through the body of the research paper. Never include references here. The highlight will be on telling your prospects that all the points raised had been fully discussed.

Review key points in your work

The final thesis is an avenue to review all the key points that you did not include in the thesis introduction. This should not be a repetition of what you have said earlier but a review of all the points that have been made in a brilliant summary. 

You must make a bold attempt to reference your introduction to the conclusion. When you can connect your conclusion with your introduction, it will be pretty easy for the readers to get along with you on smooth terrain.

The relevance of your work

It is expected of you to explain the reason why your work cannot be wished away by the readers in the concluding part. Let the readers know that you have come up with a solution that the world needs at that material point in time. 

Final take

It is expected of you to conclude on a brilliant note with a call to action. Just as with the opening lines where you introduced the hook statement; it is expected that you come up with a powerful argument that will make every reader agree with your research work. It is worthy of note to remind you here that the language should be made very simple. 

Final thoughts

When you are putting up the thesis in the introduction; you should bear in mind that there is a thesis that is equally important in the conclusion. The tricks needed to achieve this has been described above.

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